Crypto Wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is a Web-based account or software in a mobile device that allows people to buy, sell, and trade cryptocurrency coins and tokens. -PCMag

Crypto wallets store the public/private key of your account. These wallets are essential for browsing dApps. The wallet can be in the form of a hard wallet such as a USB stick or an application format such as Metamask.

Crypto Wallet

A Crypto wallet will be used for:

  • holding digital assets such as tokens, currencies, and NFTs
  • sending and receiving the digital assets
  • browsing the dApps
  • interacting with the smart contracts

Some examples of Crypto Wallets are:

  • MetaMask
  • CoinBase
  • Electrum

I use Metamask wallet as a chrome extension during the development of dApps. It’s easy to install and create an account. Most of the dApps have support for MetaMask which makes browsing apps simple.

For Development, you can easily add different networks including the local environment created using the Ganache or other applications. I recommend you to use it.

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