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Local blockchain development environment
During the development of dApp, it's not recommended to deploy smart contracts directly to the mainnet. You can use testnet too but it depends on the connection and availability of gas fees and tokens for the testnet. One solution is to use a local blockchain network that will work as the mainnet but will be available locally.
Ganache is one such application that provides you with a local blockchain network. It has both terminal and GUI-based applications. If have used the GUI version and it’s awesome for development. It's quick and has 10 accounts created already. You can deploy and interact with the smart contract easily.
Resouces to learn
- 📄[Official Documentation](https://trufflesuite.com/docs/ganache/)- ▶️[Deploy Solidity Smart Contracts with Ganache Personal Blockchain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnNPv6zEbwc)